Vatican Tour: 0900 (CEST) 5/7

Today I woke up at 0530 and managed to stay in bed for a bit. We (Mum, Brooke and I) gave Grandparents a call to check in and see the pup-pups.

We all got ready to excited to go out. Unfortunately, not even halfway on the way to the Vatican museum I had to stop off onto the side of the road and VOMITED EVERYWHERE. It was horrible but I honestly felt 110% afterwards (It’s Liz’s highlight of the trip so far…)

We then headed to a little bakery to grab some croissants for breakfast/nibbles. Headed towards the Vatican we could see the line outside from 2 blocks away. We had tickets that let us skip the line so that was awesome that we didn’t have to wait in the sun.

Once we headed inside we grabbed out audio guides and got started. It was amazing and surreal to be there. The history in everything was amazing to see and listen too. The Sistine chapel is beautiful and the ceiling is just - there is no words to describe it.

After we had finished the tour we headed back to the apartment for some lunch and a cool down.

Later we headed back out to check out St. Peters Basilica… AMAZING. Incredible architecture.

My feet were killing me and I was getting hot so I wasn’t the best company on the walk back to the apartment. The walk was making me angry and everyone could definitely tell but I pushed though and got back to the apartment but not before we stopped by Manny’s to get another lemon granita.

We all relaxed for a few hours before Mum and Liz headed down to a grocery store to pick up some things for dinner (ended up having chicken schnitzel, focaccia pizza and salad).

Then we all promptly headed to bed.
